Real Datasets and Rest API of India for usage in software development

Many times, when we are doing any software development for our personal practice or for actual projects, we struggle to find real datasets. There are many real-world data points that we need in most of the software, like area pincodes, lists of countries, etc. Although we can create our own database,  chances are it will... Continue Reading →

C# program to solve common FizzBuzz problem

Write down a program to solve FizzBuzz problem -This is yet another commonly asked problem in programing interviews. The problem statement is simple - write a program to print numbers from 1 to n except if a no is multiple of 3, then print "Fizz" and if it's a multiple of five then print "Buzz"... Continue Reading →

Fibonacci series in C#

Write down a program to generate Fibonacci no series -This is yet another commonly asked problem in programing interviews. Although there are multiple ways of solving this problem. Here I would show you the most simple method to do it. Also this method is efficient from a performance perspective. public static List<int> GetFibonacciSeries(int number) {... Continue Reading →

Good web development blogs and articles

This page contains links to good technical articles and blogs which I found out useful in my website development work in .NET stack and I often use for them reference. How To Style HTML5 Range Slider Across Multiple BrowsersException handling in Sql serverDetecting KeystrokesC# interview question and answers for junior software developer.Web Assembly - simple... Continue Reading →

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