C# program to solve common FizzBuzz problem

Write down a program to solve FizzBuzz problem -This is yet another commonly asked problem in programing interviews. The problem statement is simple - write a program to print numbers from 1 to n except if a no is multiple of 3, then print "Fizz" and if it's a multiple of five then print "Buzz"... Continue Reading →

Fibonacci series in C#

Write down a program to generate Fibonacci no series -This is yet another commonly asked problem in programing interviews. Although there are multiple ways of solving this problem. Here I would show you the most simple method to do it. Also this method is efficient from a performance perspective. public static List<int> GetFibonacciSeries(int number) {... Continue Reading →

Good web development blogs and articles

This page contains links to good technical articles and blogs which I found out useful in my website development work in .NET stack and I often use for them reference. How To Style HTML5 Range Slider Across Multiple BrowsersException handling in Sql serverDetecting KeystrokesC# interview question and answers for junior software developer.Web Assembly - simple... Continue Reading →

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